Improve E-bike Riding Experience With These Tips & Tricks

It is a common misconception that there’s no other way to increase the range of your e-bike than to increase battery capacity. Not significantly—if you ride with the suitable form and employ a few innovative techniques, you can influence the potential range without spending money. E-bikes are a creative approach to lessen your influence on the environment and help you participate in a sustainable future.

In the following blog, we have provided 6 most crucial tips that can help you extend the range of your e-bike as well as increase its life and reduce maintenance costs.

Make Sure Your Electronic Bike Battery Is Fully Charged

Without a doubt, the battery is what distinguishes an e-bike from a conventional bicycle. And it’s among the priciest pieces to replace when something goes wrong. Hence, you should be aware of how to maintain, recharge, and discharge your battery in a way that will maximise its efficiency.

How long should your e-bike be charged?

A battery pack for an electric bike may be easily replaced or removed. The light glows red and then becomes yellow when it is charged. The battery has to be charged for eight to twelve hours, as per the manufacturer’s specifications.

Avoid leaving it plugged in overnight

Since lithium-ion batteries don’t have memory, charging them at any moment won’t harm them. However, as this would reduce the range of powered motorcycles, it is imperative that the battery not be completely discharged. The bike may overheat if you keep it plugged in for extended periods of time or too frequently. To ensure correct battery maintenance, please refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Choose the Right Mode While Riding Your E-bike

The unofficial motto for choosing the pedal assist setting is “as little as you can, as many as you need”. Make sure you select the right mode according to your need to get the maximum range. For example, you can select turbo mode if you need to go uphill, but selecting it on a plain road will be utterly unnecessary.

Check the Air Pressure in Your Tyres

If you’re riding a plus-sized bike or a fat bike, tyre pressure is even more important. The optimum tyre pressure for plus-sized bike tyres is 15–20 psi, and fat bike tyres is 8–15 psi, depending on the rider’s weight and terrain.

Softer Vs. Harder Tires: Which is better?

For electric mountain bikes or trail riding, softer tyres provide better traction and stability due to reduced surface contact with the pavement, while harder tyres offer less grip. High-speed racing electric bicycles often have thin, aerodynamic tyres to improve control and manoeuvrability.

No tube, Fewer Problems

We’re able to drive these limited pressures because of tubeless technology, but the tyres need a sealant for them to work correctly. Over time, the sealant will dry up and become ineffective. Check if you need to add more sealant to your tyres by popping the beads on them at least once every 6 weeks.

Accessible to Pedaling When Going Uphill

Most electric bikes come with a pedal assist feature, which provides the necessary push on hills and steep inclines and for long-distance commutes or work trips, reducing the force input requirements significantly.

A circular pedal strokes

The pedal stroke will be more circular and even in pressure throughout, transferring a balanced signal to the motor and reducing energy consumption.


Keep Your E-Bike Well-Maintained

It is essential to wash and maintain your e-bike to maximise its performance regularly. The dirt and mud can cause deterioration of the components, leading to reduced efficiency. The longer life of the critical components is due to smoother functioning and an adequately maintained drive train. A pleasant experience and optimum long-term performance are ensured by correctly adjusting the gears and the clean drivetrain.

Be Safe and Follow the Rules of the Road

Whether a traditional bike or an E-bike, safety should be the top concern for every rider. Make sure you wear all the safety equipment before starting your ride and follow the rules and regulations set by authorities, including speed limits and specified bike lanes.


Extending the range of your e-bike involves increasing battery capacity and adopting practical techniques. Ensuring proper battery maintenance, avoiding overnight charging, selecting the right pedal assist setting, and paying attention to tyre pressure are crucial for optimal performance.

Utilising tubeless technology, embracing pedal assist on uphill terrain, maintaining a circular pedal stroke, and regular e-bike maintenance contribute to a prolonged and enjoyable riding experience.

Prioritising these factors not only enhances efficiency but also minimises environmental impact, providing a well-rounded approach to maximising the potential of your electric mountain bike.